วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552
What kind of life insurance is better for me, term insurance or permanent insurance?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 23:03Is there any advantage to permanent insurance over term insurance or vis versa? I mean, basically it looks like term is the better deal because I can buy more death benefit for a lot less money, but permanent insurance gives me money with a death benefit. I'm in my late 40's, have a wife and 2 kids, normal bills, mortgage, etc. Does anyone have any opinions about what is really the better deal long term?
I have seen this one asked so many times it's amazing. Usually, you have 2 camps: the cash value (permanent) insurance camp and the term life camp. Both think that they are right.
The truth is that it depends. Now, it's nearly impossible to say what is the *best* option for you because I would need to know more about your financial situation. It's amazing how many websites and "experts" can say, off the cuff that one is better than another *all the time*.
The biggest advantage that term life insurance has over permanent is that it is cheaper in terms of coverage per thousand dollars of insurance. You will almost certainly be getting more death benefit with term insurance than with permanent insurance for the same amount of premium you are willing to pay.
The downside to term lies in in the fact that it gets more expensive as time goes on. Also, there is a reason why term insurance is so cheap. Depending on who you believe, only 1-20% of term policies ever pay out a claim. Now even at 20% (which I think is high), thats still not all that great if you ask me. Some might argue that with term insurance you can invest the difference. Meaning that if a permanent insurance policy costs you $100 per month and you receive $50,000 in death benefit then, as the argument goes, you could just as easily buy a $250,000 term life insurance policy for say $35/month and invest the remaining $65. Or you could buy less term insurance and have more to invest. The point is, the theory is that that by the time you reach age 65 (or whenever you plan on retiring), that you won't need life insurance. If you are quote: "smart with your money", you won't need life insurance.
I think that this is a myth for most people (but again, it largely depends on your situation). One of the problems with investing is that it doesn' t matter how smart you are with your money. Most average joe investors put their money into mutual funds. If that fund tanks 5 years before you retire, it is very likely that it will be extremely difficult to retire on what you thought you would be retiring on.
The other issue I have with the permanent vs. term debate is that folks that advocate term insurance usually try to compare permanent cash value life insurance to an investment. It's not. It was never meant to be. They complain about how low the rates of return are after expenses. Many times the internal rates of return are only 3-5%. But do you know what the definition of "cash value life insurance" is? It's not "a type of investment". It's considered "a death benefit with a *savings* component". Look at any high yield savings account or CD. What is the rate of return? 3-5%. Look at cash value life insurance. What is the internal net rate of return: 3-5%.
The problem with permanent insurance is that it's not a be all end all for retirement savings. Some folks think that this is all anyone should ever buy and that they should never consider anything else. They even go so far as to defend life insurance as a "good investment". Bad move IMO.
My opinion is that BOTH sides are wrong. That's something of an answer for you. If you want more in depth details, read this article: http://www.twintierfinancial.com/articles/Life_Insurance.html
At your age, go with term. It's cheaper and you can get a lot more coverage. The purpose of life insurance is to take care of your wife and kids financially should you die. It is not an investment.
Term because it is a locked in rate for 10,20,30 years. Also benefites are paid in full even if you die 2 weeks after buying it. Well, with Allstate it is.
Term is always better. Its way cheaper. You just need it to cover your kids in case you die.
Permanent Ins. is alot higher plus you have all the fees. Take the money you save and invest it. Or just put it in the bank. You will come out ahead.
TERM is definitely ALOT cheaper GENERALLY.....
If you're looking for long term life insurance you'll want to go with permanent. Term insurance usually only allows coverage for a certain number of years and the only payment will come at the time of death. Permanent insurance usually has cash out options, hence the higher price. It really depends on your needs. If you only need a few years of coverage, at which point you'll no longer be considering life insurance coverage, then term insurance would probably be the better purchase.
We had a baby 3 months ago, but I am looking for health insurance that is good and affordable for my wife. Any suggestions?
Yea it sucks how our health-care system hasn't caught up yet. It makes me furious. Anyhow, I've heard Blue Cross/Blue Shield is good and I believe it's the most inexpensive. I had Cigna for a while and that was good. Health-Net is pretty good only if you don't have any pre-existing conditions otherwise they really raise the premium. Look into Eatna as well. I've heard there a little more pricier in comparison to the others but I've also heard that they seem to cover more.
Unfortunately this is not a quick answer. There are some things to consider:
If buying insurance in the the private insurance market there are many different types of plans. There are several questions that you will want to ask before selecting a plan:
1) Will I need my wife's plan to cover maternity for future babies? Some plans cover maternity, some do not.
2) How much premium can I afford to pay every month?
3) If something major should happen to my wife, what would be the maximum that I could afford to pay. (This will help determine the deductible of the plan that you'll pick)
There are wesbites available that will allow you to look at plans from several carriers (Blue Cross vs. Health Net vs. Aetna, etc) and compare benefits and premiums. A site like this could be helpful in your research.
The typical rule of thumb will be that the higher monthly premium you pay for a plan, the better or "richer" the benefits will be. That is a trade off that applies accross all carriers for the most part. Have you wife think about how much she used her health plan in a "typical" year. (i.e., non maternity year) This can help you pick a plan that will not having you paying for services you don't need, but will provide the coverage that you and your wife want.
Good luck!
Kathy K
There is no possible way for us to answer this. Health insurance (if you are not able to get in on a group insurance plan through work) is based on previous health history. You should NEVER LIE on these. Because we don't know your wife's health background, we can't give you an answer. ALL companies charge based on history, sex, and smoking.
You seem to not really know a lot about this subject, so you are going to want to get someone to help you understand what all the termanology is so that you don't make a costly mistake. If you are married, most every employer will allow you to add both your wife and your dependant (your child). This will be at a MUCH lower cost than buying something seperate. If you are NOT married, many states have rights for opposite sex domestic partners on their insurance plans. If YOU are working, go to your HR department and speak with your "Benifits Coordinator" to ask all the questions you need to ask. They are there to help!
Leave America. France, England, Germany, Switzerland, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand...actually most of the developed countries in the world have good health insurance but it is not available in the US because...well ask the insurance companies why not.
In general, these days (21st century) the best is a combination of a HSA plan extremely high deductible and MySimpleCard for the everyday dr's visits. Best overall coverage for the buck as a combination. Give us more details and we can help more specifically.
Just wondering because one of my friends says she only pays half of her auto insurance a month and she is paying $300 and that seems pretty steep.
That is steep, I pay about $50/month for Bike. But depends on the bike, and where you live. My bike is 650cc living in L.A.
Depends on the bike and engine size. A 250 will be pretty cheap. A 900 sport bike expensive.
I pay $86/month for a 2007 1600cc Nomad in Phoenix. That's with a clean record, MSF course and a multi-vehicle discount.
moter cycle is so much more exspensive because there is more acfcidents with motercycles than cars!@!@!@!@!@!
Your friend could save a bunch of money on car insurance by switching to GEICO.
It depends on many things....the replacement cost of the bike, her driving record, and her credit.
Some motorcycles cost as much as a car so they can be pretty pricey to insure! Also, the more cc's the bike, the more it cost to insure.
Tell her to try Progressive Direct....they have some of the best motorcylce rates
Depends on the bike and the driver.
I had a 1995 Kawasaki Vulcan 750 that I paid $70 a year for liability insurance. Full coverage was about $220/year.
I could never find car insurance that cheap even for a beater.
However, I have heard of cases where an 18 year old pays over $3000 a year for a newer model Ducati.
Overall, it just depends.
Just liability on my cycle was only $79.00 a year. Cheap.
Hey, I ride a motorcycle and its awesome. The insurance is so much cheaper on motorcycles than cars its crazy, But not only that, you save money on gas because they only cost like ten bucks or less to fill and they get good gas mileage.
Hi, I am planning to bring my husb and kid on visit visa. I heard that the health insurance is mandatory for visit visa. Where (or how) to get (or how to apply) this health insurance for vist visa. Please advice. Thanks.
Check your domestic health insurance (if any) and bank (if you have a "premium" type account); the might include travel insurance.
If not, try the people who you buy home/car/pet insurance from; they might offer you travel insurance at a reduced rate.
In the UK, the Post Office usually has the best deals on travel insurance, but I don't know how common this practice is in the rest of the world.
First make sure that your current health insurance plan does not cover you internationally. Most Blue Cross Blue Shield ( http://www.RxMom.com/BlueCross/ ) do actually have overseas benefits.
Next visit http://www.rxmom.com/travel to get very affordable Travel Insurance Plans that include hospitalization and emergency evacuation and trip interruption benefits.
You have many choices so please make sure to select the plan that meets the requirements of the visa authority and your length of stay( You may want more benefits than they require, just for your own protection)
Are health insurance premiums that I pay and are deducted from my paycheck paid with after-tax dollars?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 15:03My health insurance is through my employer but I have to pay part of the premium and it is deducted from my paycheck each pay period. I am filing my taxes and am being asked if the premiums are paid for with after-tax dollars. Any answers?
Premiums are tax deductable as a part of your medical expenses if you are filing long form. You add up every co-pay you made to doctors, hospitals, and prescriptions and the total cost you paid for these premiums and then you get a percent of that total back on your taxes. Anything that you paid for any type of health care is deductable as long as you have a receipt (or in the case of health premiums you pay) they are on the W2.
No, if your insurance is deducted from your paycheck it is paid before taxes. The question is referring to people who purchase insurance individually outside of work.
It could be either way depending on what kind of plan your employer has set up.
Your pay stub should have a break down of what went where.
Taxes are usually taken out first thing, then other things such as credit union, health ins. and so on.
Medical expenses, including ins. are deductible IF they exceed a certain % of you income (long form).
And simple enough, you may be able to ask your employer or someone that does payroll. (Hope you get a refund:)
You should be able to tell from your pay statements. If you can't, ask your employer.
They are with after-tax dollars unless you are participating in a section 125 plan or the like.
I pay mine with pre-tax dollars because my employer gives me that oppurtunity. It actually says on my paystub that the amount taken from me was pre-tax. If it doesn't state it on your paystub, you'd have to ask whomever does the payroll at your place of business to confirm how the deductions were taken from you.
You should be able to get that information from your HR/company. A lot of companies have what they call a "cafeteria plan" which pays your insurance first then the rest of the income is taxed.
How can I get insurance for my fiance with cancer once we get married?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 13:03My fiance and I were engaged in May 2007, we are planning to get married in October 2008. In October 2007 he was diagnosed with cancer-- both of us being college students, he is still covered under his parent's insurance. If we get married in October and he can no longer be covered by his parent's insurance-- what are our options? Is there a way for him to take over his current coverage??
No, he can't take over his current coverage. Either he's an eligible dependent of his parents or he's not. However, depending upon the size of his parent's employer, he may be offered COBRA insurance. (COBRA is quite expensive, but if he needs to continue cancer treatments and can't find other coverage then you do what you gotta do.)
Otherwise, one of you will have to get a job with benefits so that he can be on that employer plan after your married. I'm presuming that one of you plans to be employed full time by the time you're married?
(Please tell me you're not planning to both still be full time college students and get married in October? Given your fiance's medical condition and knowing that he'll lose his health insurance through his parents, that would be a colossally stupid mistake. If you can line up other coverage, great...proceed as planned with the wedding. But if this is his only shot at being able to have affordable health coverage to treat his cancer, then the only logical thing to do is postpone the wedding. Doesn't meant that you can't stay in your relationship and still love/support him...just delay the legal ceremony given the consequences of losing his insurance.)
Good luck.
god feel really bad for ur fiance
Sad to say, there is no easy way out of this one. He will be best off to remain as long as possible under his parents' insurance coverage.
The whammy of 'pre-existing condition' (especially one as expensive as cancer treatment can be) is going to haunt both of you for some time to come.
My best wishes to both of you for his full recovery from this nasty condition.
The only viable option is a very large employer that will overlook the fact that this is a pre-existing condition.
i m sorry to hear abt ur plight. perhaps u may apply for PA insurance. i think its quite hard for most insurance company to appr your application at this point of time without loading/ exclusion if u are looking at health/ live coverage
Well, if you're getting married, does that mean one of you maybe has a job, to pay the bills? Whoever has the job, needs to take the health insurance from the employer, and when you get married, he needs to get added on.
That's the only way you're going to find health insurance for him.
He can't take it over - it's not his policy.
How can you negotiate with car insurance agency after a wreck if you have no insurance to cover other driver?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 11:03How can you negotiate with car insurance agency after a wreck that was caused by you if you have no insurance to cover the other driver? Are there any legal ramifications?
If you caused an accident and had no insurance - the other driver will be able to file an uninsured motorist claim. Their insurance company will pay for all the things yours would have (if you have insurance).
Then the other driver's insurance company will turn the matter over to their subrogation department. The Subrogation department will contact you about paying them back. Do not ignore them - they can have your drivers license suspended, sue you or turn you over to collections.
However, the subrogation department will be willing to set up an interest free payment plan for you to repay them for all they paid their driver. Most likely they will want at least $100 per month - until the debt is paid in full. If you miss payments - they suspend your license, sue you or turn you over to collections.
The other thing you can do - is see if the subro dept will accept a lesser lump sum. For example: you owe them $10,000 - they may be willing to take 7,000 if you pay it as a lump sum. They would rather get a little less all at once - than collect the full $10,000 - 100 dollars at a time.
Can you dispute the amount they want? No - not really. They paid it - you owe it.
** not legal advice **
http://insquotes.50webs.org - try this one. I have their car insurance and, as I know, they can provide such a service. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20071207001320AA69AZz&kid=E8VNLTrFUUt0wGwirmwD&s=comm&date=2009-06-13+09%3A35%3A00&.crumb=
what is it you want to negotiate on? you are at fault, you pay. one way or the other. they will turn it into their insurance company and their insurance company will come after you for payment. pay up!
Basic liability insurance will cover the other driver up to your limit. Did you have any auto insurance? If not, you are in deep !#$$$. If you do than it should already be covered.
Yes there are a lot of legal ramifications. Suspension of your drivers licence for one. A Hugh fine. Car is impounded until you show proof of insurance.
Then you will need to file a sr22 form for an entire year or more.
The other car at this point is insured. It is called uninsured motorist. After you pay all fines, fees, etc. maybe it would of been cheaper in the long run to have purchased the insurance.
There's not much to negotiate. You owe the other driver, for their damage and bodily injuries, in full. Period. That insurance company will take you to court and garnish your wages. You can't "sette", for example, for $.50 on the dollar. "Settling" will come after they go to court and try to collect. It might take 4-5 years of them trying to garnish wages unsuccessfully, before they sell the debt off to a collection agency that will be willing to settle.
Can insurance companies check a drivers convictions following an accident?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 09:03Are Insurance companies able to check your previous driving history - say following a ban, after you have an accident.
Sorry, you've got your information backwards. Most insurance companies will run an MVR (Motor Vehicle Report) on you based on your driver's license number and they will also run a CLUE report (vehicle history report) on the car based upon the VIN number.
The CLUE will tell them if that particular vehicle was in any accidents, but it may not tell them who owned or insured the vehicle at the time of the accident.
The MVR will show them any traffic violations you have on your driving record. This includes traffic convictions, but not convictions for other offenses, such as assault, breaking and entering, etc.
If your license was suspended due to an accident, or you have any traffic violations due to the accident, the insurance company will find out.
Yes, insurance companies run an MVR (Motor vehicle report) on you when you first buy the policy. They also run your MVR every time your policy renews to see if you've had any violations. They will then adjust your rates accordingly.
If it is on your driving record then then the answer is yes.
You can get a copy of your driving record by paying a small fee at your local DMV office.
Yes, they can run your driving record anytime they need to access your risk factor.
Yes they can. You cant hide from them.
How can it be legal for a Medical Insurance Company to deny benefits to a customer?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 07:03Isn't that the whole reason for paying for insurance? Shouldn't all conditions, ailments, and injuries be covered? If not, then way are we paying into insurance?
Why isn't their an insurance company out there that can provide this kind of service?
I don't think the US Government should allow companies to operate that offer insurance and then deny benefits to someone who has been paying for coverage.
An insurance company is out to make a profit for it's shareholders. It does this by estimating risk and assessing costs predicted to cover the risks and allow for profit.
To do this, they write out contracts, called policies, that lay out what risks they are willing to cover and what limitations apply. If they didn't do this, they would be cheating their stockholders.
All benefits must have limits. This is because there is a finite pie to pass out. If they payed the multi-million dollars required to service one patient to the limits of modern medical care, they would deplete the very reserve needed to meet their other obligations.
The plain truth is that it is a business like any other. Not a church, not a moral exercise and not without constraints.
look for one that covers what you have or start your own company
Al insurance policies have limities and conditions. You should read your contract before you sign it.
I have fire and theft insurance for my car, but I want to do a road trip around christmas, and I wanted to know if its normal to get comprehensive insurance just for a month? I'm in Australia by the way, but I guess insurance companies are the same everywhere. Thanks.
You can get for 1 day 1 month or whatever you want, usually 3 months coverage is standard but don't see why 1 month would be problem.
well about time we got someone from the greatest land on earth... G'DAY MATE. answer to your question is yes you can get a cover note,,,road trip???? your in Aust not a bloody septic watch the rest bite now
please try this
I'm selling an item on ebay and for the insurance part, i chose not offered. For some reason, when I check what the page would look like the insurance part says i cover up to $100 in damage and loss of item. How do I change this so that I don't have to offer insurance?
Like in your situation,I would like to advise you have a look here http://www.InsuranceFreeTip.info .
If you're shipping UPS, that insurance is automatic with the UPS service, so you can't get rid of it. If you're shipping USPS, insurance is EXTRA, and you just click on the screen.
yes i always do
How to get an international health insurance for 5 days to satisfy the Schengen visa requirements for France?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 01:03I am traveling to France soon and the Sheghen visa requires me to produce the follow: "A letter from your insurance company (+ 1 copy) stating that you will be covered for any medical expenses, hospitalization and repatriation for at least $45,000 during your stay in Europe." The insurance available on the internet looks fake. Does anyone know any genuine website/ company to get a short stay health insurance from?
Depends where you are, but I usually find an insurance broker will handle short-term medical insurance policies without costing very much.
วันพุธที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552
How do I find the name of the insurance company that covers the building where i live?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 23:04There was a fire in my building. According to the newspaper it was started by a grease fire, which spread to the surrounding units. 4 or 5 of the units have been condemned by inspectors me being 1 of the unlucky ones. According to legal aide my owners insurance company is not responsible for any of my loses due to the fire (that would be covered by renters insurance if I had any), However they are responsible for putting me up while my apartment is being renovated. My owner hasnt returned any calls and its been almost 2 weeks. I've been advised to find the name of his insurance co and talk to them myself. Does anyone know how i can find out who is his insurance provider? All help is appreciated & thanks in advance.
Sorry for your loss. This scenario is common...first of all this
is privileged information regarding finding out the name of your landlords carrier. Here is what I would do.
Go down to the city Hall . Look for the title/ deed unit and look up the address of the building. this should show the owner and in some cases the mortgagee of the building (but not always). If the owner had a mortgage on the building then he would have needed to have insurance. call a lawyer and have him write a letter to the owner of the building...that he wants the name and address of the insurance company.
Anyway.......It is a good chance your landlord only has Property Coverage on the building and not liability, If it was his fault (the grease fire) then his liability would kick in.
Guess I need more details to help you out.
You can't - it's private information.
Whoever told you they are responsible for putting you up, is DEAD WRONG. They just aren't. If it's the legal aid, have them put it in writing, then sue the hell out of them for BAD ADVICE.
YOU can't collect under their insurance policy, anyway. And their building policy doesn't have a COVERAGE for "putting the tenants up somewhere". No such horse. That's a FIRST PARTY coverage, not a third party coverage. AND LASTLY, their insurance company won't talk to you - it would violate the privacy laws.
YOUR coverage would come from your renter's policy. You had one, right? That would be Loss of Use - a first party coverage. I'm sure your LEASE requires you to have one . . .they all do. File under your OWN policy.
What reputable health insurance companies are out there
My mom doesn't have health insurance and my job doesn't give insurance to family members.
I would like to pay monthly to a health insurance company so my mom could get health check up when she needs it.
Do you know any health insurance companies that can accept low monthly payments since I don't get paid that much?
This site can help you to compare many health insurance companies at your state
Hope this help,
Hi verda,
Im an Agent Advisor with Max NewYork Life,Hyderabad.There's a â˜LIFELINE Healthy Familyâ™ a health insurance plan, the most comprehensive long term insurance coverage for hospitalization, surgeries and critical illness for the entire family under one single policy.If interested reply me. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20090608084158AAPdM3l&kid=QKwvXXXoFFiPWR_9SsGl&s=comm&date=2009-06-13+10%3A19%3A28&.crumb=
You will want to speak with an agent doing business in your area. Typically, Aetna and United Healthcare (Golden Rule) offer very good rates for middle aged females - so they would be worth a look. You can choose a higher deductible, but still have a low copay for an office visit with both companies.
There are 2 main approaches: do an online search and get quotes yourself (assuming you have a pretty good understanding of a kinda' complex subject) or contact an agent/broker in your area who specializes in health insurance (go to www.nahu.org and do an agent search: this is the national association of folks who specialize in individual & company health plans). One tip: don't buy more health coverage than you think she really needs. "Insurance" is designed to help you pay for something that you/she can't handle alone. The point, of course, is to balance the hard dollar cost - premium - vs. the amount of coverage she really needs.
Hope this helps a bit...
Hi Verda !
I came across your question about health insurance.
Below is a resource I have found to be excellent for me.
Hope this helps.
You can find some good health insurance companies here >> http://x.azjmp.com/2mDJn
Try this site
here you can get quotes from different companies in your area.
I used United Healthcare for when I switched jobs. Go to www.thegoldenrule.com.
How to get an international health insurance for 5 days to satisfy the Schengen visa requirements for France?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 19:04I am traveling to France soon and the Sheghen visa requires me to produce the follow: "A letter from your insurance company (+ 1 copy) stating that you will be covered for any medical expenses, hospitalization and repatriation for at least $45,000 during your stay in Europe." The insurance available on the internet looks fake. Does anyone know any genuine website/ company to get a short stay health insurance from?
Get in touch with any insurance company in your country who provide health insurance or life insurance.They will make you go through a medical checkup and then you have to pay a premium and they will do your necessary insurance.
this would help you:
Here is a site you can go to and input your information and purchase a policy online. You can also print your ID cards and insurance information as soon as the online application completed. It worked for our church group.
What insurance is needed for a mobile car wash? Where do i sign up?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 15:03I have a recently opened Mobile car wash in Miami and need insurance. Can anyone help with this question. Thanks.
Good luck on this! You need to talk to a local, independent agent. If it were me, I'd sell you a garage liability policy, because you're business is servicing/maintenance of vehicles, scheduling whichever vehicle makes you "mobile". It's NOT CHEAP.
Commercial Insurance. Make sure you call around for some quotes before committing to one comapny
Back in the day, Farmers insurance had a product for mobile detailing companies sold as part of a Garage Liability package. If you contact a Farmers agent, you'll need to find one that can do more that fog a mirror with their warm breath; otherwise, all you'll get is a dumb look.
If that doesn't work, contact a local independent agent and have them shop around. Should be doable.
What insurance is best for insuring custom cars that are at car shows?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 13:03I am planning to customize my car for show use. I was wanting to know which insurance was the best for this type of car?
I like Haggarty best, BUT, in order to qualify for that type of policy, you have to meet strict requirements - like, the car can't be regularly driven by you, you must have at least one other car in the household for every operator, you must put less than 5,000 miles a year on the car, you must keep it in a locked garage, you must be over 26. And, of course, you must have a valid appraisal to establish the agreed value.
DO NOT buy "stated value" coverage. It's worse than actual cash value. You want "agreed value" coverage. Your agent can explain the difference - and if they can't, then you need an agent that knows the difference.
Hi Pete,
What you need is someone that covers exotic and luxory cars. (show cars)
My dad uses a company out of Texas that is easy to deal with. There are no age restrictions or value caps. There is a milage restriction and transportation restriction but I don't know what they are.
I listed them below. Good Luck :)
My dad had 2 show cars (1967 Mustang and 1952 International Pickup) and I loved traveling to the shows with him. Lots of FUN!!!
There are companies out there that specialize in such vehicles, but I don't know any names off hand. I've seen their ads in custom and hot rod magazines, so that would be good place to check. (No, I don't own one, but used to insure a few.)
What is the cheapest insurance for a 16yr old the bike is a yamaha tzr 50 and i would like to insure it as third party fire and theft.Please give me links to sites or write them done fully.
Each company has it's own criteria and the premiums will vary. Go to a comparison site and check them out.
No such thing as cheap motorbike insurance for a 16 yr old.
Also, an insurance policy is a contract and a 16 yr old can't legally sign a contract, so the policy can't exist in your name. You'll have to do it under your parents name.
I agree with the first answer you should check out your insurance on a comparison site to try and find the cheapest motorbike insurance, try theycompare.co.uk
Try this site
here you can get quotes from different companies in your area so you can compare them.
There isn't a specific one, you have to find one that's cheapest for you for your own criteria.
What are the names of the top 10 insurance/business companies in the united states?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 09:03Not neccessary auto insurance but life insurance or just any big wig insurance companies out there. For instance, one of the biggest accounting firms out there is PriceWaterHouseCoopers. So what are some business and/or insurance companies out there in the United States.
Blue Cross - 58,000,000 Search Results
Geico - 3,830,000 Search Results
Progressive - Too Common of Word.
Kaiser Permanente - 1,540,000 Search Results
Farmers - Too Common of Word.
State Farm - 38,400,000 Search Results
AllState - 10,400,000 Search Results
Blue Cross is the biggest money maker. No other insurance company makes over 180 billion a year.
#1 Overall is Berkshire Hathaway, but there's many of them inside of this giant. Which ever ones they are holding are likely the biggest and/or at the top.
Allstate, Geico, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Gerber Life insurance. Cotton States, Progressive, Drive. These all deal with car, health insurance or life.
I got a mobile car wash and i need to know what insurance i need to cover loss or damage on vehicles?
General liability should cover you for any loss or damage to customers cars. Call you GL provider to see if you need any umbrella coverage for specific items. like windshields. If all you are washing is cars, you shouldn't need a huge policy. I would think $250,000 to $500,000 should be plenty. I carry $2,000,000 because I do homes and businesses. I also get unbrella policies whenever a client is looking for $5,000,000 coverage. Target is great for that. I have to have enough insurance to rebuild the store twice just incase I knock off a couple bricks.
If you don't already participate there are several bulletin boards for the pressure washing industry. Fleet cleaning is one of the topics as well. Go to www.ptstate.com and/or www.propowerwash.com
How are you dealing with the EPA regulations regarding runoff wash water? I will be purchasing a reclaim unit next spring. Right Now I dam it and redirect to grassy area to leech through the soil or evaporate. I was almost fined once, but was able to show that no water made it to the storm drains.
Good Luck
What insurance company provides the best supplimental coverage for the 65 and over person?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 05:03I need to obtain Supplemental medical insurance as I am approaching age 65. What is the least problematic way to get necessary information on coverage without dealing with an agent of the companies. What questions should I be asking and how do I do a cost comparisence. It , so far, sounds like I will be paying the same amount for all the necessary coverage, that I am paying now. Please give me some questions to ask or how to make this easier !
Well, it's on a state by state basis. Not all supplemental plans are offered in all states, and coverages vary by state, also.
Your BEST bet is to have a sit-down with the guy who writes your auto and homeowners insurance, and ask him about it. He can ALSO do a cost/coverage comparison, and will have working knowledge of the SPECIFICS of YOUR STATE.
It all depends on where you live. State and county are important.
Then you have to decide if you want medicare supplement or medicare advantage. Medicare advantage plans are generally cheaper but you do have copays and the out of pocket expense can be unlimited.
Medicare supplement plans are more expensive. here in wisconsin a 65 year old can get a plan for about 1000. As long as you take all the options in wisconsin again a medicare supplement is 99.9% the same as every other one.
Back to medicare advantage plans they are a completely different beast and each plan is very different.
Universal Health care has some good plans http://www.uhc.com
one of their plans gives you your 93.50 back from the medicare premium each month so you pay $0.00
If you have a local sr. center, you can find out if they might have a :"shine Lady" They help seniors get health insurance and are totally helpful to the 65 and over yrs. If they do not know of this person, get in touch with an office of elder affairs. They will know how to reach them for you. You can also check in your phone book....bettyk
It is very confusing and intimidating trying to find the right plan. I would suggest visiting an independent agent that works in senior markets for help. Agents are restricted by CMS as to what they can say about competing plans. An independent agent that works will all the major plans can give you the good and the bad about all plans they represent.
There are two types of "supplements". I'll give you the basics here because space is limited but know I'm just skimming the surface.
The first type is a traditional supplement, also known as a Medigap policy. The premium for someone 65 starts out at around $120 - $150 per month. These plans are generally better for people who see a doctor several times per month and go to the hospital several times per year. One tip: get three quotes for each company. One for your age now, one for 5 years older and one for 10 years older. Many companies will have a lower "teaser" rate to get you on the plan and increase the premiums substantially over the years. If you have any major medical problems while on one of these plans it can be very difficult to change to another company. The plans are set by federal guidelines so plan F with one company is exactly the same as plan F with another.
None of the supplements have prescription coverage, so you'll need a stand-alone Part D plan. The average cost for these plans across the nation is around $27 per month. It is easy to switch companies and plans (within federal guidelines) if you need to.
The second type is Medicare Part C, also known as a Medicare Advantage plan. You can get these plans as an HMO, PPO, and PFFS (the agent can explain the differences). Many of these plans have a premium as low as $0 per month, the average is around $26 per month. The premium is the same no matter what your age. Many also include Part D. There are small co-pays when you seek medical care. It is easy to switch companies (again within federal guidelines) if you need to.
With any plan covering prescriptions do an analysis of the co-pays. There can be several thousand dollars difference in what you pay between plans over a years time. Make sure any medications you are taking are covered on the formulary if possible. It is easy to switch companies (again within federal guidelines) if you need to.
Which company is best can't be determined here. The plan that is best for one person may not be the best for their spouse or neighbor because each person is different and has different needs. The plan that's best for you in one county may not be the best plan for you if you move to another county, even in the same state. This is why you need an independent agent to help. The agent can compare the plans to find the best one for your situation.
I intend to buy a car by the end of this month on the weekend (I work from Monday to Friday and do not want to skip working).
I will use my old car for trade-in. And I will switch my current insurance on to the new car. Since it all will be happening on the weekend (my insurance office closed), I will have to switch the insurance on Monday.
If something happen to the new car before the insurance switched (sometime before Monday), who will cover the car ?
Any advice ? Thank you...
If you drive the car without insurance, and something happens, it's not covered.
Call your agent and tell him you are buying a new car. If you can get the VIN in advance of the sale, it would be helpful. Ask him to get you covered before you drive it. He should be able to help.
Most policies allow 30 days to add a new vehicle. It would considered a 'coverage issue' if anything happened, yet in the long run it will be covered.
Most insurance companies have after hour phone lines & they have have online services. I would definitely try to find it.
If this is a new car and you will be making payments on it, I must say that I am surprised that the car company will even allow you to drive it off the lot without insurance proof.
And Boy, will you be totally screwed if you get in an accident!!!!!!
What pet insurance do you use for your dog and what does it cover? Can you give me the link for it. Also what medication do you use monthly (do you use it monthly or weekly) for heart worm, fleas, ticks, and etc. Also explain what health problems this package covers.
PetFirst pet insurance is the best. It covers 90% of the bill. Pays up regular vet visits such as annual shots, check ups, etc and it pays for flea and heartworm preventative.
If your pet is small size and more of an indoor pet, go with sentinel. It covers fleas, heartworms, ticks, etc..
Otherwise you can go with frontline (ticks and fleas) and heartgard (heartworm and tapeworms).
I don't have pet insurance, but ...
I just signed up for Walgreen's prescription plan and it covers your pets. It's like $5 for a 1 month supply and $12.99 for a 3 month supply of whatever medication your pet may be on.
I use Petplan ... www.gopetplan.com ... Its AMAZING
It is the #1 rated pet insurance company and it is the only one that lets you choose your coinsurance and deductible. For example, I chose 0% coinsurance and a $50 deductible.. so I am only responsible for $50!
I just took my dog to the vet for a tooth extraction and to get a lump checked out. Everything was covered no problem, the tooth extraction, the anesthesia, the biopsy, the blood test, the exam fee, the medication and everything else. And Petplan covered all but my deductible ($50).
Also, Petplan will pay for Boarding and Kennel Fees, Advertising and Rewards if your dog goes missing, the price you paid for the dog if it does not return, the price of the dog if he/she must be put down or dies due to illness or injury, and travel expenses that cannot be reimbursed if you must cancel due to your animals illness or injury.
Petplan also covers Hereditary Conditions (like hip dysplasia)! MOST pet insurances exclude these conditions because many dogs get them at some point and it becomes costly. But petplan covers these conditions for life, with no dollar or time limit per condition!
The only thing that is not covered is pre-existing conditions (conditions your dog had before getting insurance). No insurance company covers these conditions because it would lead to people only getting insurance after something has happened then cancelling one their animals fee have been paid. This would cause the insurance companies to go out of business!
I love Petplan and they are sooo helpful! My dog also has chronic ear infections and they pay for every visit and all the medication!
So, if you have petplan and your dog gets hurt or sick, they will cover it. And if you need to go to an after hours ER vet clinic, they will also pay for this if it is to save your dogs life. If it is not life threatening, they will pay 70% (because you could have went to your regular vet).
Overall its great! I chose it after months of research and talking to vets.
My clinic suggests VPI and if you just google it u should b able to find it no prob. As far as preventative meds go...most all of them are monthly and your pet should always be protected! These tiny pests can cause MAJOR problems such as flea anemia and blood parasites! Your dog should been seen regularly at a vet practice by a doctor whom you trust. Your vet will then recommend what meds r best for you dog!
วันอังคารที่ 21 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552
What are the dangers in using my health insurance to get medication for someone else?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 23:03My boyfriend neeeeds to quit smoking, he smokes like more than a pack a day! But! He doesnt have health insurance, and i have great health insurance through my job. Are there any potential dangers to getting him a prescription for chantix on my health insurance ? (i socially smoke so it wouldnt be a huge stretch at the docs office) Could it increase my insurance costs to admit that i am a "smoker" to insurers?
what country are you in? i am in australia and i work for a private health insurer. If you do live in Australia or a country that has a similar system, it does not increase the cost of your private health insurance if you are a smoker.
if you are however caught for claiming medication that is not for yourself under your private health insurance, your health cover will be terminated and you run the risk of legal action.
I hope that helps!
It won't increase your premiums because you're on your employer's group plan, but if you ever submit a large claim, your insurance company could comb through your records, discover that you "lied" about not being a smoker and use that as an excuse to deny your claim. If your boyfriend wants to quit and can't do it without the drug, he can pay for the prescription himself without insurance. I also think he'll be more likely to stick to the program if he spends his own money on it. The cost will be worth it if he successfully quits because he will no longer have to spend $40 a week ($2,000 a year) on cigarettes.
What are the benefits of travel insurance for domestic travel in Australia?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 21:03I am travelling to Syndey this weeked for a holiday from Brisbane. Should I get travel insurance? I have private health insurance. I don't think it is necessary. I have had travel insurance before but this was for overseas travel.
One major thing that your health insurance won't cover though is problems with the airline/flight. For example, one trip from Melbourne - Gold Coast couldn't take off because of flooding on the Gold Coast. All that the airline could offer was a flight 2 days later or a credit. My travel insurance picked up the difference (about $350 extra) to change to a different airline and fly into Brisbane later that day.
Other things to consider, if you get sick while you're away or even before you are due to go and you can't fly on the day you have booked, if you don't give 24 hours notice you won't be able to change your date on discounted tickets and you then have to forfeit your ticket and buy a new one for when you are well enough. Travel insurance would cover this.
Mind you, there are many people out there who don't take insurance for domestic trips, I guess it comes down to whether you have to money to cover it if something goes wrong....
Find more about this at: http://world24hours.googlepages.com/13222 (insurance) http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20070501203350AAyTgMl&kid=I6dkD1reKmLrJ_MQXuEQ&s=comm&date=2008-07-28+08%3A33%3A59&.crumb=
I never get travel insurance for domestic travel. My household contents insurance covers lost or stolen stuff, and my health insurance covers health problems.
How can I become an independent insurance agent for car and life insurance?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 19:03I know I need licenses, clients etc but can someone tell me how can I get a system or something to give people quotes? I don't want to work for any insurance company. I want to quote insurance from multiple sources how do I do that?
You will have to meet with different general brokers and become licensed to sell their products. You will need a separate license for each line. You will need a computer and load the software to be able to quote. Or, you can go to work for an independent broker and use his resources. Good luck to you. If you are really interested in doing this, call some of the large independent brokers in your area and ask for an interview. They are always looking for producers.
It is next to impossible to start your own agency without having a lot of insurance experience. There are regulations that are hard for long time agents to stay in compliance with. You couldn't possibly know all of them and keep out of trouble with your state's commissioners office.
Go to work for an independent agent in your area. Learn the ropes of writing and servicing policies. If you really like the business, learn your state's regulations regarding the operation of an agency. By then, you will have a good idea of the fixtures, equipment and so many other things that you will need to open your own agency.
Another option is to purchase and existing agency.
Sign up for an independent marketing organization.
Well, simply put, you need a location, at least 1 year of operating money, P/C license, Business License, good computer, printer (with scanner preferred), filing cabinets, among others. Some good software to use that provides rates for multiple companies is call Accu-Auto. Apart from that, you definitely need some elbow grease (lol).
You can work independently and put your business through a general agency. They will do all the work for your (quote products and process the paperwork), then they will pay you the commission. In most cases you will make the same commission whether you go direct or work through a general agency.
What is the best professional indemnity insurance provider and quote for a web design firm?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 17:03Im looking to purchase professional indemnity insurance for my web design firm. Who is the best provider? What is the best quote? What sort of costs should I be paying?
Also if we move into Internet consultancy will these insurances cover this?
And finally, what other insurance is required for this kind of business?
There isn't a "best" one out there. You want someone who writes inusrance in your area - that's not going to be everyone! Coverage excluding consulting should run you about $1500 a year. Consulting is EXPENSIVE. The last e-consultant I got a policy for, it was running about $3,000 a year, and he was a one man firm.
You're going to need a business policy or package policy for your general liability and contents, plus office exposure, then the professional liability, and workers comp for any employees.
You need to sit down with a local, INDEPENDENT agent, to get a variety of quotes. You'll need to update your agent, as your operations change, to be sure you're still covered.
State Farm, Allstate, Nationwide, none of these companies are going to write you if you don't have three years of prior insurance history - that's why I say an INDEPENDENT agent, instead of one of these agents.
How can I get a liability insurance for my cleaning business?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 15:03I have called to a few insurance companies to get a general liability insurance, and I have been turned down, because I have barely any experience in the cleaning business. How then can I start and get an insurance at the same time? Do I have to lie to them and tell them that I have 10 years of experience?
Yep, no standard carrier is going to write liability policy on a NEW business. So, you're trying to call companies - Nationwide, State Farm, Farmers, etc. That's where you're going wrong.
You need a local, INDEPENDENT agent, who can access the excess market. It's likely going to cost you $1500 for the first three years.
Lying about the time in business isn't going to do you any good, because they'll all want three years of "loss runs" from your prior insurance, to PROVE that you've had insurance, for the past three years. If you can't cough up the loss runs, they will treat you like a brand new business.
You can find a local independent agent near you, in the yellow pages, or at www.iiaa.org
What you need is commercial insurance.
Commercial insurance is insurance for a business. In fact, it is one of the most important investments a business owner can make. Commercial insurance can be instrumental in protecting a business from potential loss caused by unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances.
Commercial insurance can provide valuable protection against such things as theft, property damage, and liability. It can also provide coverage for business interruption and employee injuries. A business owner who chooses to operate a business without insurance puts his enterprise at risk of losing money and property in the wake of an unfortunate event. In some situations, a business owner may even place personal money and property at risk by failing to secure adequate commercial insurance.
Finding commercial insurance can be as simple as locating a reliable agent who specializes in commercial insurance. It is best to interview several different agents and select a licensed, knowledgeable agent with whom you feel comfortable. The agent you choose should be able to discuss different types of commercial insurance with you and assist you in selecting the best type for your particular needs.
The Internet is an excellent resource for finding insurance agents. You may also find information about agents through local business networking organizations. Business contacts, especially those in related industries, may be able to provide agent referrals as well.
Depending on your particular business, there may be some types of commercial insurance you donâ™t need. For example, you may need commercial property insurance, but not commercial auto insurance. Keep in mind, however, that it is wise to learn about the different types of commercial insurance, even if you donâ™t need them all. As your business grows and expands, you may discover that your insurance needs change. Obtaining preliminary information now will provide you with the basic information you need to decide whether or not to add to or change your policy later.
Though most businesses are able to obtain commercial insurance with ease, for others, securing insurance is difficult. For example, a business that has already experienced a considerable loss may be viewed as a high-risk company. To insurance companies, significant previous losses translate into a heightened risk of high or frequent claims.
A business may also be considered high risk if it is fairly new or involved in operations that make frequent insurance claims more likely. In such situations, securing commercial insurance is not impossible. However, your agent may need to provide you with options for finding insurance through non-standard avenues.
To get various quotes with ease check out the links below:
Randy C.
You just need a business policy. What kind of cleaning business is it? Is it a Dry Cleaners? Almost anyone will take that type of business.
If your business is cleaning other people's homes that is a business that few companies will take so you will probly need to see a broker. That business is more risky for insurance because there is more chance of someone getting hurt or something being stolen.
Look for a commercial insurance broker.
try commercial insurers like Aon or Tradex.
My husband and I spend over 400 dollars a month on health insurance and we still recive bills in the mail that insurance will not cover. We've called our insurance company and they say it's the way the dr's office "codes" the bill. When we talk to the office they blame the insurance but we're still left paying thousands of dollars a year besides what there taking out of our checks. We have premiums to reach but everything that we go see the dr for doesn't go toward our premium. It really upsets me that we end up paying more and more every year and our insurance covers less and less. Why is it like this?
Yeah, health insurance is a pain. All these greedy lawyers suing doctors and hospitals have made it nearly impossible for the medical professionals to make any money and you should see the insurance costs that doctors have to pay now.
That's why I never liked that guy who ran for vice president a few years back, John Edwards. He bankrupted about every doctor in South Carolina with bogus lawsuits where he claimed he was "channeling" unborn babies. What a tool he was !!
I don't know the solution, other than stopping the greedy lawyers. There are lots of insurance agencies these days. You can always shop around for a better one.
Thank you for picking my answer. I wish you the best at getting the problems solved. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20061212205629AAUwuuR&kid=F5AtDmC9VWS5OFGKUY44MNub7TYiOPBsBiNt7I..XQ6Nw0CjBu2L&s=comm&date=2006-12-14+06%3A52%3A40&.crumb=
If I knew the answer to this one I'd be a millionaire!!! its no different here in Australia, we do have gap insurance as well, for a little extra, the difference between what the doctor charges and what the provider pays out, is covered by that......
Just make sure you get something for your money, if you wear specs, claim each year for new ones, and get something back at least,
I hate to say this but $400 per month for health insurance is actually CHEAP.
Many family plans are over $1000 a month or more.
What is happening to you is happening to everybody.
We all want all of our medical coverage paid for entirely but we don't want to pay anything in premiums.
Well somebody has to pay.
If you paying premiums and using the services of health care providers and if you are getting more back in health services than you are paying in then you are WINNING THE GAME.
That means somebody else is paying for your health care...and its all of us collectively.
Instead of thinking of how much you are paying....look at it a different way.
Think of what it would be like if you didn't have insurance at all and you had to pay the FULL price of all your health care costs.
Take all of your bills and take the billed rate (before insurer discounts are taken out).....and add all that up over a one year period.
Now take that amount and compare it to $4800 (which is what you are paying right now). Are you coming out ahead? Maybe, maybe not.
If you are not, then consider that you are in a risk pool that will pay for you if you get sick.....in exchange for you agreeing to pay for them right now....even if you lose money right now.
If your insurance is saying that the doctor's office is improperly coding the bills, first ask for a copy of the denial from your insurance and ask the doctor's office to print you a paper HCFA (which is the form the insurance companies get for claims) for your claim and keep a copy of it for yourself and you submit it in. This way, if it's rejected - you can go line by line with the insurance company and find out EXACTLY what is wrong so it can be corrected. (If your doctor says they can't print you a HCFA, they're lying - it can be done.) Then, ask for reconsideration of the claims by your insurance company.
Make sure you're seeing in-network providers (or preferred network providers) - that can lessen your out of pocket expenses, and make sure things are covered. If your doctor likes to do procedures, make sure they're covered at his office (versus a radiology place for X-rays or a lab for bloodwork, etc.) - sometimes, if procedures are done at the doctor's office instead of the lab, it costs you more. The bottom line is - know your policy and what is covered and when and where it's covered. It makes a difference.
Anything you have to pay for - keep receipts, if it's over a certain amount, you can write it off on your taxes if you itemize.
If your insurance company is rejecting medical bills because the doctor charges over what they believe is 'Reasonable and Customary', you should talk to both of them about it for a better explanation.
If the insurance company thinks the doctor is charging too much for the services he renders, the doctor may reduce the amount of the bill if you ask them to.
Premiums go up due to inflation and increased costs. To keep offering health insurance as a benefit, many employers have to lower the benefit amounts and offer policies meant to cover only catastrophic losses, with high co-insurance amounts (Deductibles) that may leave you with large out of pocket expenses.
The other alternative is often no insurance at all.
Sounds like a combination of bad health insurance plan, and poorly trained medical staff at the doctor's office.
You might be better off switching plans.
Luckily, your TAXES are probalby still a lot more than health insurance. So we can always point at the government and what a lousy job IT does, too.
I just turned 18 and my parents are basically kicking me off the insurance. i need some good but affordable car insurance (full coverage) What insurance company are you with and about how much is it a month for 1 driver?
insurance is different for each person.
the best thing you can do is get free quotes online from places like www.geico.com and www.progressive.com
i have state farm, which is the cheapest for me. they are a great company. i've had no problems. I've also been hit by people with geico and progressive, and both of those companies handled the claims very well. I have not complaints.
The prices for state, age, and car are different. I was with nationwide for 8 years before I realized progressive was about 1/3 of the price so at progressive i pay around 800 every six months for a 2007 saturn with full coverage and a 1999 ford contour pl/pd, Thats for two cars with a 23 year old female, 23 year old male and a 21 year old female as rated drivers, where with nationwide I was looking at around close to 3,000 every six months.
Plus you can do it all online with progressive and get trip sense if you are a good driver you get a bigger discount. I have had about four people switch to progressive my mom saved about 70 per month with them also.
Good luck
There is no one "best" or "cheapest" carrier. You'll have to call around, give your social security number to have a credit check, give them the vehicle information, and get a bunch of quotes to figure out which carrier is cheapest FOR YOU
There are so many variables that there is no one "BEST" insurance company. Get quotes from several and then make your decision. If American Family (of Madison, Wis.) sells in your state try them. They are as good as any of them. Allstate and State Farm are equally as good
I have dental insurance through WellPoint Dental Services. I needed a dental procedure and my dentist filed it and I received an approval/precertification from WellPoint in the mail. It said the insurance would pay $204 of the procedure. I had the procedure 4/25/2007. I paid my dentist in full (that's how he does it) and have been trying to collect the $204 ever since. I have called the insurance co and am always told it is in process. I have written 2 letters with a copy of the precertification to the address on my card and have had no response. On 7/18/2997, a rep said that it had been misfiled, but it would be sent to claims immediately and that all the necessary info was there. I have received no response to my letters, no check. What should I do now?? That procedure was $1000 and I could really use the $204. Thanks for any help!
Write a polite letter of complaint to the Commissioner of Insurance for your state - at your state capital. Copy to your insurance company's Vice President of Health Insurance Claims - or some similar person. The insurance company is required to respond to the commissioner within 30 days. Every day after 30 that they are late, costs them $. You should get a prompt response. But, remember to be polite. You will still have the same insurance company. Most claim adjusters are over worked but real people.
you might find this page helpful on how to claim on dental insurance
http://www.insuremysmile.co.uk/making-a-claim-on-dental-insurance.html http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20070815135957AAlkslr&kid=NcZ8WjbqAkmaWUCNPvPE&s=comm&date=2009-02-21+09%3A07%3A08&.crumb=
I would write a letter to your state insurance department - including the dates, etc, and file a complaint. And carbon copy in Wellpoint.
That should kick them into gear.
How do you know if your insurance company is also insuring the party who caused you the damage in a claim?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 05:03If your insurance company pays you a small amount for a large loss and you then sue the party who caused the loss, what complications can there be for you? Are there conflicts of interest sometimes which prevent an insurance company from pursuing subrogation? If they do pursue subrogation, do they share in paying the legal fees.? If they are also insuring those who caused the loss, will they pay out under those people's insurance?
I'm not sure we have the whole story here, but here goes. This is assuming that both you and the other party are insured by the same company.
I don't understand why you have collected from your insurance company for the loss under your policy, and then plan on suing the other party. Generally you either collect from your policy and let the insurer go after the other party, or go after the other party and leave your insurer out of it. We aren't talking an uninsured motorist here, so what type of claim could you be making? You can't collect twice for the same damage. Either way, unless your exhausted the other party's policy limits, you will have to reimburse them.
There is little chance that the insurance company will bother with subrogation against itself. And subrogation rarely requires legal fees, especially when the parties are insured and liability is clear.
Finally, as to the conflict of interests, if there is an issue regarding this, the claims department will appoint different adjusters, usually having them report to different supervisors, to handle the claim. In some states this is a requirement, both even without the law, most companies consider this protection against getting sued for bad faith claims handling.
When an insurer insures both parties in a loss, each should have its own claims rep who acts in the interest of their assigned policy holder. There should be no conflict of interest as the reps act the same as if they were dealing with another company. If it is the other person's fault, that person's policy should pay out.
Call your agent or your claim rep for reassurance on their processes - that is what they are there for.
Actually this scenario is an easy one for the claims dept.
Once negligence is proven that policy will pay in full. An insurance company --depending on the kind of claim we are talking about here can easily settle "in house" with the other "insured" . This is less paperwork as if the are subrogating against another carrier. This happens all the time and the fix is easy.
Well, ask your agent who the other carrier is. They should be able to call your adjuster and just ASK them.
There's NO complications if you sue the other party - the only issue is, YOUR company is entitled to reimbursement from whatever you get back. It's not going to hamper subrogation. legal fees will not be shared, if there's recovery, even the legal fees go against the one party fully at fault.
See, companies assign claims, and the money they pay out, against each party in accordance to fault. AND against the agent of the party at fault, so it's really important to assign the loss accurately. They don't "slack off" just because it's the same company for both parties.
I had my brother listed as a driver on my insurance policy and he is moving so will no longer be using my car. The insurance company is requiring that I show proof of insurance before removing him from the policy. They are telling me there is no other way to remove him from the policy due to a DUI charge. Is it even possible to get car insurance without a car? What should I do?
If you have an insurance company that is refusing to allow you to remove an authorized driver from your policy unless you PROVE the authorized driver has insurance elsewhere, it's time to get a new policy in place at another company and then drop your current insurance. That is ridiculous.
If you want to stay with that company for some reason (although I couldn't think of any) you might call your agent and ask why you need to do that, and tell him you will switch if you can't, and see what happens.
http://carquotes.50webs.org - try this one. I have their car insurance and, as I know, they can provide such a service. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20070131090035AAoxlpd&kid=IJV_LTLdEzWTWRRWnvI5&s=comm&date=2009-06-13+09%3A15%3A35&.crumb=
call your insurance agent and them them to send you a ins card or proof that you are insured
that's strange, they shouldn't require you to prove he has other insurance, it must be a company policy. normally, you should be able to sign a driver exclusion to remove him as a driver on the policy. ask to speak with your agent directly and try to explain the situation to him, maybe he can find a loophole for you.
they may be misinterpreting you. If he still lived in the same household but you wanted him removed then you would need to prove that he is insured elsewhere. You should ask them if you can sign an endorsement saying he will NOT drive the vehicle and if he does you are legally liable for any claim and if that would be enough to have him removed. I don't understand the need for him to show insurance if he no longer lives with you.
shop around and see what you can do. Getting a driver with a DUI off your policy should do wonders for your premiums as long as your record is good
You can buy a personal policy. In TX an SR-22 will work.
วันจันทร์ที่ 20 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552
What is the best life insurance company to work for with great commission?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 23:03What life insurance company is the best in the nation to work for and why? I am doing research and trying to figure out which life insurance company is best to work for or what is the best strategy working in the insurance field.
Allstate is by far the best. They are ranked in the top 50 employers book.
Try this site
Here you can get quotes from different life insurance companies in your area, its the best way to find the best life insurance company.
all about insurance:
We are starting to think about a car and insurance for our son who is 17 shortly. Have you any advice on types of car and how the insurance system works, is it better for him to insure himself or for to do it through his father, and which companies are the best.
Your son will only need the insurance once he has past his test, If you or your husband is teaching him (not the best idea) you do that on your insurance or the driving school that he learns with.
It will work out cheaper in the end if he starts his own insurance from the day he gets his fist car
carquotes.fateback.com - check this one. As I remember they have lowest car insurance rates for teens and young drivers.
I've bought title insurance when I bought a new house 10 years ago. Now, I notice that the title insurance company has quitted and closed business. Does it affect anything? Does it mean no more insurance coverage to my deed?
Ray, are you saying the title company closed, or are you saying the insurer that wrote the policy is no longer in business? It isn't clear from the information you gave, but here goes:
Usually, the title company does not underwrite the policy. You need to check the policy and see if the insurer is out of business--the title company and the insurer are not the same. If you find the insurer is no longer in business, you should contact the insurance department in the state you live in, and find out if these policies were assigned to another insurer. The state insurance department should be able to tell you whether or not your home is still covered. If the settlement company ( title company) went out of business, but the insurer is still in business, then you have nothing to worry about.
That's where I'd start. Good luck.
ps- the other person who wrote an answer is wrong. You don't pay on-going premiums for title insurance, it is a one-time payment at settlement of the property.
The title company collects the premium and here in Florida, take a split with the underwritter (the person who endorses your policy). As long as your underwritter is in business, you will be fine. Also, when and if you refi, you will pay title insurance again. Make sure you have Original Owner's http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20080327141846AAjvxBb&kid=E7IpMlb9DjRUL_b8ZX.2&s=comm&date=2009-06-25+12%3A49%3A05&.crumb=
Policy. Although here in Florida there is a 3 year limit on rebates, some companies will take them and give the rebate because the legal description might be long, encumberants, ect. :) Good luck! http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20080327141846AAjvxBb&kid=E7IpMlb9DjRUL_b8ZX.2&s=comm&date=2009-06-25+12%3A51%3A09&.crumb=
When they went out of business, those policies would've been bought by someone. You need to find out who the premium is sent to. Your mortgage holder will have that information.
What kind of insurance does a nursing agency in TX need if the staff is only subcontracted employees?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 15:03We just opened a nursing agency, the nurses that work with us are not our employees, we contract with them for a period of time, and contract with a medical facility for the nurse's services. We have checked with 5 different insurance agencies for workman's compensation, and we have been told that there is no market for workman's compensation for subcontractors. Workman's compensation is optional in TX. What other kind of insurance do we need?
Yep, Texas is the only state where Workers Comp insurance is not required by law. HOWEVER. If you hire an uninsured sub, then YOU are still on the hoook for the benefits, even if you don't have a policy in place.
So. You can't buy workers comp insurance for just subs. But unless you want to be stuck holding the bag, you will need to require your subs to buy workers comp insurance, AND provide you with proof of coverage. Otherwise, YOU will have to pay lost wages and medical costs.
The same goes for professional liability, auto liability, and general liability - YOU, the general contractor, are on the hook, unless your subs are fully insured, naming you "additional insured" on their policies.
See, too many businesses try to get around paying for benefits and coverages for employees, and to get around paying taxes on their payroll, by calling them subs. So the law has reacted, by holding the general responsible for any uninsured subcontractors.
Your agent should be advising this.
If the money passes through your organization, you DO need liability, workers comp, auto liability, professional liability, and likely property coverage.
Ok so 2 years ago I was driving along and a tire fell out of a truck bed in front of me and broke my windshield and did a little bit of front end damage. The truck kept going and so I ended up submitting a claim for like $600.00 to my insurance company to cover the damage. In return, they raised my rates to a point where the increase added up over two years has cost more than the repair bill. I've tried changing companies, but the claim is still in my records and I am under 21 so all the quotes I've received have been higher than what I was originally paying. As for the the rest of my record, it is totally clean, no wrecks, tickets, or even close calls. I'm about ready to say screw it to insurance, as I feel I'll never need it. As far as I see it, I've already paid the insurance companies over $5000 and they've only covered $600.00 of damage and have treated me like crap.So whats the average penalty if I do get stopped and don't have insurance?
Darn....you took my best joke. There's no penalty for driving without insurance. The penalty is if you get caught.
My experience....have driven for years without because I can't afford it....seriously. They say you can't afford to NOT have it, but it does work both ways.
But when you do get caught, it gets very expensive. If you got caught, you'd probably pay $200-300 for the fine, and then have to start insurance all over again, and you'd get screwed on the price because of your age. Starting fresh with new company also screws you just because you're new. As you stay with them, rates will go down. But because you're under 21, you're screwed either way. Just part of automobile life. I went thru it too when I was your age.
(Of course, back then, they didn't have computerized records to check your insurance status in seconds!!)
You and every other citizen of the US is pissed off at car insurance companies. I'd just start insurance somewhere and stay with them. Eventually, the earlier claim will be taken off your record. And it's so much better when you get pulled over for whatever reason and have insurance card to hand to the cop. There's a backwards satisfaction in silently laughing at the cop that he can't get you for that!! Sometimes, they can tow your car if you don't have it, in some areas.
But back to my dilemna--caught without insurance out of state. $400 fine. Then they notify my state, and I can't get it yet, so they pulled license. So will have to get new insurance $120-150, then pay for reinstate license and any fine on top of that, probably another $200. When you get caught, it can get extremely expensive. Plus, if you are in bad accident, it will work better for you.
The penalty's are worse then just having insurance! Keep searching around with all of the insurance company's. Just search until you find one that is reasonable, Spend a day or two on the phone if you have to, It will be worth it by the amount of money that you will save. One of the reasons that your insurance costs are so high is because of your age. A very large number of auto accidents across the country are caused by persons under the age of 25Yrs
Lose your license, have to carry an SR-22 for 2 years. Sr-22 is proof of insurance that is really expensive, and if you miss one payment, the insurance company notifies the state and you lose your license again. Even if you don't have a car you will have to carry a non-owners SR-22, so your paying insurance on nothing. Plus $160 reinstatment, $26 renewal fee, and $500 in fines. As well my state *Colorado, is a mandatory minimum 2 days in jail
different cities have different fines, some upwards of $150 or more. also they can suspend your liscence if they want.
It depends on what country you are belong because they have different punishment about this. But i will give you an example, if youre living in UK the worst thing that will happen to you, imprisonment. So right now start looking for a car insurance for you. Search cheap car insurance on the net you can try to visit this cheap car insurance site http://www.nightbirdssolutions.com collect some quotations from here and select the best car insurance company for you.
depends on where you live.. you can get a big hefty ticket.. if they catch you so many times they can suspend your license. or down here in tx i know of places that will tow your car if they pull you over and you dont have insurance.
also you wont be able to get your inspection sticker or your registration sticker when the expire..
driving penalty
Different states have different laws. Most, if not all, do require insurance, though, at least liability, to cover damage to the other guys car if you are in an accident. In NC, it's a hefty fine, points on your license, and, if they want to, they can impound the car. Better keep your insurance.
What are some questions to ask when looking for an insurance agency to sell insurance? And..do different g.a.'s offer more commission then others? Do they have the legal power to keep a certain amount that you earn? How does it exactly work when you join an insurance agency working for a broker. Thank you for only professional honest answers.
Make sure they have no production requirements AND yes, they absolutely pay different amounts for the same plan. We license brokers through our producer group. We'll get you going, pay you better than most, but you are on your own once we get you started.
Now, if you want to give us half of everything like they would at an agency we'll help...but most opt not to go that route.
Be careful. I have been in the business for over 20 years and to be quite honest I have had my share of companies and GA's that have made me promises that just never happened.
You need to know exactly what you are agreeing to.
1) Are there any production requirements?
2) Are they going to provide the leads or do they expect you
to do all the prospecting as well as make sales.
3) What are they going to provide you?
If I were to do it over with again I would contract with companies in my own name. Then I would approach a local property and casualty agency and offer them a small percentage of any sale that I made if they allowed me to prospect their PC business and also if they were willing to provide me office space including their phone lines etc.
Don't let them fool you! With each line of business that a P&C agency writes for their customer the chances of retaining that customer greatly increases. By you writing the life insurance you are protecting their book of P&C business from being loss to other agencies. You are providing them as great of an opportunity as they are providing to you.
I don't have the number on me here at home but if you email me I will give the website and email of a life insurance broker that you will be able to get quotes through.
In the subject area put: I nned life brokers email address.
My friend came from Taiwan and want to rent a car in USA. The car rental company offer differet kinds of insurance. Which insurance is most recommended?
I work for an insurance company and I am licensed in 17 states. It is important to realize that your insurance will not cover your friend even if you sign for the vehicle and let him/her drive it.
The rental company does actually maintain insurance on all of their vehicles because it retains ownership and only rents the vehicle to your friend. Most people do not know that.
Your friend is still going to have to purchase the full package which includes liability, collision and comprehensive coverage. The coverage for loss of use is optional but is also a good idea. The benefit of purchasing adequate coverage is that your friend will be able to walk away and not get bogged down in legal problems if there is an accident.
Even if your friend is a good driver, there is a relatively high risk of an accident because your friend will be driving in a strange environment.
As her insurance is no good in the USA, take the collision total package. I know it is more than some, but trust me, when people see that a car is rented, and most now carry the UPC code sticker on the windshield for inventory purposes, the BAD people see it and "make" an accident happen to make a claim to the insurance company. They know that a rental company will have good insurance and pay out "well". It should cost about $8-12 perday, but trust me, well worth it. Also, depending on your friends history of driving in the US, she/he might not feel comfortable and get nervous and have an accident out of nerves. Good luck and by the way, HI to your friend and welcome her/him to the USA with open arms from me too.
well i know it cost a bid more but trust me it good you never what may happen to you. just in case.. you feel better.
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552
Is insurance on a 1983 ford bronco and a 18 year old hi or low?
Try this site
here you can get quotes from different companies in your area so you can know how much you will have to pay for this car.
The year of the vehicle, the ins. would be pretty low. Due to your age, it will be higher no matter what you drive, because younger people are considered high risk drivers. I'm not saying you are, but younger people have the propensity to be stupid and not completely dedicated to driving while driving. So you can thank all the stupid bad teenage drivers for that!
You are better off getting a quote from an auto insurance company. Not all of them will do it for free.
How much do you drive? Are you driving it to work? School? etc.
Prices vary depending on how you use the car.
If insurance is under parent's name, then it would be a lot cheaper.
The auto is only part of the equation but since it is older and of little value that helps. The other part is you and your driving record.
Go to any of the big sites like allstate, state farm, or geico and they can do online quote.
Help yourself - you can check your quotes in internet, for example here - carinsurance.yoll.net
high, and if it's 4WD, higher.
What exact is whole life insurance, and how do life insurance companies profit from selling it?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 19:03Agents are always extremely keen about selling my family whole life insurance instead of term. According to the agents, whole life is preferable to term since it does not expire and as a result the beneficiary is guaranteed some payment upon the death of the insured. However, why would the insurance company profit from such a setup if they are bound to pay back an amount that is at least equal to the total amount paid?
I have tried to do some research on my own, but I still can't seem to fully understand this matter. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Basically insurance only works when a large groups of people own that particular insurance. Everyone pays to protect their income, but not everyone is going to use their insurance. So that's how basically insurance companies stay in business, unless something extraordinary has happen in this country where there's lots of people are filing for claims and the insurance company can't pay them all (such as the Hurricane Katrina event).
What is whole life insurance?
1) Its a level term insurance to a specified age (usually to age 95, 98 or 100) plus cash value.
2) It is very expensive when compared to term insurance
3) Cash value grows at a very low rate of return. In the first 10 years, you see a negative return on your money. But long term average is anywhere between 1-4%, depending on the company.
4) If you want to take money out, you have to borrow it and pay loan interest of 5-8%.
5) If you die someday, the insurance company pay the face amount of the policy (minus loans and missed premiums) to the beneficiary, but they keep all the cash value.
6) If you do get to live by the end of policy date (when you around age 100), the insurance company pay you the cash value, but you lose the insurance.
There's only one reason why that agent is trying to sell you whole life insurance: MONEY!
Next thing you'll know, that agent would try to sell you universal life insurance, a product that is more horrible than whole life, but it pays out more commissions.
Go with your instinct and find a different company who would listen to your needs. I personally own a 30 year term insurance from Primerica and I also open my Roth IRA there as well.
Agents make more commission on whole life. Whole life is a lot more expensive.
Take the level term policy which gives level premiums for a certain amount of years. You get more insurance for your dollar. Then, also take out a 401K or IRA and invest your savings there.
Only honest insurance agents will tell you that. Because they make more commission on whole life or universal life, not many will tell you the truth.
First of all, the agent makes more commission off of whole life insurance. The company will make more profits on whole life vs. term because whole life stays in-force a lot longer than term and becomes very profitable in the long run. I will honest, i am not too crazy about whole life. You extremely over fund the policy and it is hard to afford the amount of coverage that you really need. On the other hand, term is only temporary and at the end of that term, all of that money is gone and your health may not allow you to renew that term. I really like the adjustable life insurance policies. That policy allows you fund whatever amount over the minimum. You can get a larger policy for lessor premium than whole and fund it as long as you want to. You have the option in the future to fund it more, if you desire. If your budget allows you to spend $300 a month on life insurance, buy an adjustable life and a term policy for around $150 per month. Then take the difference and max out your 401k or IRA. Don't let a life insurance agent sell you on the fact that whole is a good investment. Most of those policies earn 4-5% interest and you will do extremely better in the market now, while it is close to the bottom.
Most people only keep a life insurance policy in force less than five years. 70% of the people that die in the USA, do not have active life insurance at the time of death.
That's a major factor in how the companies make money.
As was mentioned by other people, agents make about 10X as much commission selling whole life.
Whole life is OCCASIONALLY the best life insurance product for a situation. But MOST of the time, Term life and investing the difference, is BETTER. Life insurance is NOT an investment.
Term policies, you can buy one that's guaranteed renewable, and convertable, if you want. But if you invest the difference in premium between term and whole life, in 20 years, you'll have that whole "payout amount" sitting in your investment account, and you can afford to be self insured.
Life insurance is a bet. You're betting you'll die while the policy is active. The company is betting you'll live. Whole life, if you run the numbers, you'll see that the insurance company will make many, many times the payout amount, in premiums and investment income, off of YOUR dollars, before they have to pay out. IF you keep the policy in force until you die. Which, most likely, you won't.
How much liability insurance do you need to start a companion service?
0 ความคิดเห็น เขียนโดย pream ที่ 17:03I am starting a small corp. that offers companion services for the elderly. No medical involved although every one I hire has elderly care experience. This involves things like laundry, cooking, cleaning giving prescribed meds, etc. What kind of liability insurance do I need if everyone will be working as a subcontractor? What kind of insurance are they required to have? Any information you have on this subject would be helpful.
1,000,000 at least i would up it to 2,000,000 it doesn't cost that much more. protect yourself fully or you will be sorry.
Well, YOU are responsible for liability for your uninsured subs, and you are ALSO responsible for their workers comp, if they don't have their own policies.
And I seriously doubt they are true subs - if they are the ones that have to show up, they are EMPLOYEES. Calling them subs, does NOT get you off the hook for liability or workers comp.
So. Most likely, if no licensing is required, the only coverage you need by law, is Workers Comp (unless you're in TX). But, keep in mind that if you have no general liability, and your subs/employees have no general liability YOU can be held responsible to write the checks for any damage done by your subs/employees. Even if you call them subs.
Just like, if they're injured on the job, YOU are responsible for their medical payments and lost wages - even if you don't have a workers comp policy. The general is ALWAYS responsible for uninsured subs as if they were employees.
You would require commercial general liability coverage as a minimum. This would protect you for any bodily injury and property damage caused by your employees/subcontractors. If they are true subcontractors then they should be carrying their own commercial general liability policies (these policies are not cheap, therefore you better be prepared to pay these "subcontractors" well if you're going to convince anyone to sign up for this scheme). One thing to keep in mind is that sexual molestation and abuse are excluded under any liability policy. Any venture that involves working with the very young or the very old opens themselves up to this type of risk more than other types of businesses, therefore you may want to speak to an experienced commercial broker about either having this exclusion removed or finding a carrier that will provide this coverage separately. Another big exposure is if your employees/subcontractors steals money or securities from your clients. No liability policy will cover this act. You would need some sort of crime coverage with an extension/endorsement that would cover criminal acts against your clients (normally this coverage protects against criminal acts against yourself).
Minimum business liability is $1 million.
I have a riding stable with 5 of my own horses. A friend is boarding her daughter's pony here. Board covers the bare minimum of costs and the family helps with barn work.
There is a demand for boarding in our area and I have had numerous requests.
What kind of insurance do I need if I want to take on boarders? Also, what kind of insurance do I need if I allow boarders to also ride my horses?
Our one boarder wants to work with a trainer using my horse as she is rapidly outgrowing her pony. The daughter is 14 years old and a very fine rider.
I want to make sure everyone is protected and no problems occur if someone gets hurt on my property.
I carry a basic property insurance that includes my own horses (Not boarders). I hate to sound like a cheap skate but my attorney drew up a set of very iron clad release from liability forms. That release myself, my staff and my property from any liability to the boarders, thier horses, their tack, their vehicles or any and all property they bring on my premises and and damage to others caused by their horse should it escape.
Check your states equine liability act if it has one and see exactly how far you are released from liability under your states act.
USE and attorney to write your releases, one that is well versed in your states equine laws. In my state by signing the releases it constitutes a contract that will stand up in court.
In todays world of stupid people sueing businesses for their own individual stupidity and claiming negligence at every turn, I would not b e concerned about the boarders health and well being. I am more concerned with the litigation and finacial ruin they will put you through for their own gain.
One example is a suit brought against me in 2002 where a parent signed the releases for her child to ride in my arena, claiming the child (15) was a very experienced rider. Long story short the kid had never ridden before he got on his gelding in my arena and lost control of the horse almost instantly and got tossed hard into the arena panels breaking his arm, fracturing his skull and breaking several ribs.
A month later I recieved notice I was being sued, It was being claimed I was negligent in letting the child ride a horse beyond his ability.
The release with the parents signature relieved me of responsability and the clause that I was not going to enforce (riders are responsable for damages to my property while riding) Got them ordered to compensate me for the bent up corral panel.
I do carry a liability insurance that covers people with out releases that is pretty cheap. I am more worried about people tresspassing and getting in the wrong paddock and a wild horse killing them.
Your insurance rates will be considerably lower also if you have a strict release policy. I won't let my own kids ride without a signed release from my X wife, hell I wouldnt let my own mother on the property with out signing a release.
IL. has a very good equine liability act, when used in conjunction with releases. The only way to get in any real trouble here is if you knowingly and intentionally cause someone or their animal harm. Thus I dont carry insurance for boarded horses or their owners or guest. Depending on your states liability laws really depends on your level of insurance if any.
You need "Care, Custody, and Control", plus an umbrella liability policy. This hould cover you, but it's best to contact an agent who deals in this type of policy. We use American Bankers Life.
For here in FL, I carry a seperate equine liability policy, which you should if your homeowners doesn't cover the horses. Even if they say they do, a lot of homeowners won't cover for example your horse getting out and kicking someones car. I also carry CCC - Care Custody and Control for boarded horses. If you can get a ranch or farm policy in your state, you can roll your homeowners, equine liability, CCC and if you wanted to add trailering, instructor etc you can all on one policy. The best thing to do is call a insurance agent who specializes in equine insurance and ask them what's needed in your area. Florida is so hard since a lot of the home owners insurance companies have pulled out.