วันอังคารที่ 14 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

I was with the same insurance company for 10 years using the same local agent. My car insurance rates kept going up every time my policy was renewed. I decided to explore and see what better rates I could get with other car insurance companies. Friends and family gave me names of local agents from insurance companies they used. All the agents quoted me really high. Then, I called a major insurance company's 800 number (not through an agent) and got the lowest quote. So, why do people use insurance agents? Is there a reason why it's better to use an agent?

In addition to what a-mac said; if you have a claim but you are unsure if it is covered you can discuss it with your agent without submitting it to the company. (Companies do not like this - fyi)

If you call the company, and it turns out there is no payout on the claim it will count against you and you will probably see a change in your rates.

Remember: you get what you pay for. There is one company that has an 800 number that I would be extremely cautious with...

agents will explain things to you and talk to you nicely etc. You pay for that though. I find that for cheapest insurance the best way is to get tons of online quotes then go for the cheapest.

I've bookmarked this site to go back to


theres more on google http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20070930113306AA9PWcs&kid=GcVoDEnZKFQs1XKt3GDc&s=comm&date=2008-06-21+10%3A11%3A23&.crumb=

http://carquotes.50webs.com - try this one. I personally have their car insurance, cause it is the cheapest for me in our area. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20070930113306AA9PWcs&kid=DI4uOnTWKmbxi3FcG9pr&s=comm&date=2009-06-17+10%3A34%3A52&.crumb=

I like using an agent because if I have a question, I call the same person or I go to their office and sit across the desk from them. I don't have to call India and then give up and research answers online and hope for the best. I don't like the way big companies dismiss the need for customer service!

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