วันเสาร์ที่ 18 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552
if you take everything out of the interior of your car (back seats & belts, door panel, floor, etc) and if you take off the dash and put your own custom dash. would you have problems with the insurance company if you get into an accident?
As long as you had the aftermarket items endorsed on the policy and as long as your insurance policy covers customizations (the majority do not), then you'll be fine.
If you total it, yes. You have just reduced the value of your vehicle by at least 60% so be prepared when they offer you an adjusted amount.
Well, if you don't install adequate safety equipment, and they had no knowledge of the modification, they might deny you coverage for your injuries.
And no matter what you would DEFINITELY have trouble getting them to pay for any modifications you made. Your solid gold and burled walnut dashboard that you custom made for your 99 Civic is probably not going to be compensated.
Depends on the accedent, If there was anyone else in your car that got hurt,
The Insurance co. may have a clause in there policy about modified cars.
You should find out.
You can try to seek some advice from car insurance companies, discover their policies about that. Search it on the net visit some site, you can try to park on this cheap car insurance site http://www.nightbirdssolutions.com for your reference and source of additional information.
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