วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

We live in Florida, and my son has just turned 16, He wants to get his licenses but we don't want our insurance to go up too much. From what I hear it is very expensive, yet i hear other people saying that some auto insurance company's have very cheap rates for adding a first time driver. So if there are any other parents that know of a company that they use that is pretty cheap please let me know.

Thank you.

I recommend you locate a local car insurance agent to help. Since I live in Kentucky I can't suggest an agent in Florida, but here is an website that can help you. http://www.easyautoinsuranceguide.com/Florida-Car-Insurance.html

Good Luck!

http://carquotes.50webs.com - try this one. I personally have their car insurance, cause it is the cheapest for me in our area. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20090116095415AA8GHfs&kid=ArxPLGf5Fmr59CnGsAPe&s=comm&date=2009-06-17+10%3A42%3A29&.crumb=

My niece who lived with me for a while was on my insurance and then got her own. she got cheaper for having good grades on her report card they never checked but she did have good grades and when and if you decide to go to college they are even cheaper if you keep up the grades. Another way to keep insurance down is to go to the drivers ed classes at school they take off for that too.

My niece had Erie

It will be cheaper to add him to your policy than to get a separate one.

none. the age is a big factor.

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