วันพุธที่ 8 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552
We live on acreage in Brisbane and need quite a lot of outside work done. Things like brushcutting, weed spraying, gardening, scrub clearing etc We would supply tools and materials etc so the job would suit an unemployed person or a student. What if they are hurt in some way while doing the work? Do we need to take out insurance for them? If so, what type of insurance is it and who should we get it from? I'm pretty sure that normal workers compensation insurance doesn't apply to workers who are employed by householders.
Try liability insurance or a cafeteria type insurance plan for insuring your casual outside workers or see if your home owners policy would cover it.
Not sure what coverage you currently have. If you have a Farmowners or Commercial policy currently, you can add Employers Liability to your coverage for a small fee. It would just be added on and you can remove once the work is complete.
Insurance Blog
http://insurance-racsun.blogspot.co http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20090422202107AAQ5aHB&kid=PIdIUkC7UlgtSug.tSNI&s=comm&date=2009-05-18+09%3A55%3A46&.crumb=
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