วันพุธที่ 8 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What types of insurance does an event planner need?

I am interested in starting my own business from home as an event planner (no employees, just me). However, I am unsure about the insurance aspect of things.

I will possibly be organising events for a large company and they have told me that I am required to take out Public & Products Liability insurance and Personal Accident cover before I can start working on any of their events. Will the Personal Accident insurance cover my hospital bills if I injure myself? If not, what insurance does?

Could you please advise what type of insurance is required for a home-based event planner.

If there are any event planners out there could you please let me know what insurance you have??


Call an insurance agent. They will know what insurance you need and how much it will cost. The insurance is to cover the people and items at the events you coordinate, not you personally.

First, call an Insurance Agent is not your immediately concern. YOU must completely go over the Contract you are entering with the Sponsor before signing. You will need a Comprehensive Gen'l Liab.Policy, covers Bodily and Property Dam, incl. Product Liab., remember, a personal policy covers you. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20070926052029AA7rBcx&kid=GoZZDWX8VzVXvjAdOoX5&s=comm&date=2008-10-19+07%3A33%3A53&.crumb=

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