วันจันทร์ที่ 13 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Nationwide insurance is discriminatory aganist pit bulls as they do not give quotes or cover homeowners for homeowners insurance if you have a pit bull. I hate bad owners that make it so hard for good owners and good pit bulls, it's absurd!!!! Are there other insurance agencies that do this wrongful act too???

I have to say, I support the insurance company on this one. They have to manage risk, and part of that risk the dogs people own. Unfortunately, there are quite a few really bad pit owners out there. Don't blame the insurance company, blame the irresponsible owners.

Besides, to make a comparison- a regular doc's malpractice insurance is about a fraction of what it is for a ob- have you ever wondered why there seem to be a larger number of docs getting OUT of the baby business? Used to, all gyns did OB, now, that number keeps dropping. Mostly because they can't afford to pay the insurance AND deliver babies. Are the insurance companies discrminiating against OB's?

I don't know about home insurance, but on my commercial property insurance i had to sign a waver that excludes my rottweilers if they do bite someone so that the insurance company can't be reliable ..i did that cause i know my dogs they look the part, but if anyone did rob the place they'd help them carry the stuff out ha ha, but they are still classified as a dangerous breed..I blame the news many dogs bite but the news makers are pitbulls,rotties,and other so called dangerous breeds, not the breed it's the idiots that are irresponsible owners.....good luck with your search

You would be surprised by the number of companies that won't give you insurance due to the type of breed. The main reason is they have had to pay out to many claims for dog attacks, provoked or otherwise. I agree, just because a dog is of a certain breed does not mean it it mean. A lot of states have now outlawed pit bulls and will destroy them if found. I have a dear friend with 2 pit bulls and are the sweetest dogs you can find, so keep looking and you just might find someone to insure your home. Good Luck

They can do it because there is no law that prevents them from doing it. There is nothing to prohibit racial discrimination when it comes to dogs. Odds are there will not be any laws like that soon. Many people are anti-pitbull. You could probably find one that does not do this if you do your homework and are willing to talk to a lot of insurance companies.

sue them

If you don't like their policies, take your business elsewhere.

Pretty much all of them. The dog that you own raises your risk. Don't feel bad, if you are a woman you pay less for auto insurance because men are more of a risk.

Because there's nothing that says they can't. I hate to tell you this, but pit bull owner are not in a protected class.

I think most insurance companies will denied coverage to someone that owns a pit.

Its a shame that they are a prohibited breed in the UK. How old is your pittie? Cause its illegal to breed them and it should only be the older ones around in the UK that are still living.

The reason is that they come under the dangerous dogs act and no insurance company is going to insure you with any breed of that on the list.

They do it because they can .I was turned down by them also ...because of my german shepherd. We got a local independent insurance agent and we have to pay more than most for our insurance.but there was no way that I would get rid of my dogs just so I could have a policy with them

Unfortunatly, yes most all insurance companies won't cover houses with pit bulls, dobermans or rotties the trick is to never let the insurer never see the dog...

My dad runs an insurance company and his company is not allowed to cover any 'agressive' breed owners. This is not HIS rule it is a national rule set by the head hancho's of the companies.

The best thing to do is not to tell your insurer you have that breed. With most companies either you have to have at least a million dollar policy or they won't cover you at all and I completely agree it's an injustice

i agree about bad owners who ruin it for others.

insurance companies base this on the number of dog bites per a particular breed of dog. they are not necessarily discrimianting. they are looking at statistics, ans how much they have to pay out in claims. you may find another innsurance company to insure you, but your deductible will probably be a lot higher.

It's based on number of claims. There are a lot of Nationwide insurance agencies that won't issue a policy if you live in a hurricane aria too.

They're a private company and can do what they want. Find another company.

Unfortunately, because of the idiot owners who have given pits a bad reputation, responsible owners are having to pay the price.

It may be wrong, but insurance coverage and cost are based on actual information. The data stating that most claims are created by pit bulls, doesn't actually mean that the dogs are a risks, it is the owners that own them who are the risk

that is just rediculous!!!!! it should not matter what kind of dog you have all dogs are capable of inflicting the same injury as a pitty i would get a lawyer if i was you i worked for a vet for 10 yrs and never saw a bad pit bull the whole time its all how they are trained it's not the dog it's the owners that should be jailed they make them the way they are they only do what the are taught

This is pretty common practice and it's not just pitts. Chows, shephards, dobermins, etc. There are some agencies that are now insuring homes if your dog gets a good citizen certificate. It takes training and hard work. There are probably several trainers in your area that do this kind of work. So get on the phone and find an insurance company that will insure you under these conditions and then get the training going. Good luck.

Pit bulls have gotten a bad rap b/cause of their idiot owners. They are not a "bad" breed...You are not stuck with that insurance company...take your business down the road. My dogs Barney and Waston send hugs to your boy! ♥

Sadly there are a few insurance companies that do this with breeds such as Pit Bull, Rottweiler, GSD, Husky and mixes of these breeds. Check to see if State Farm is avaliable in your area. We have State Farm and they will cover any breed as long as it has not bit anyone. Thier premiums are not higher because of the breed either. I would suggest checking with them as we have had no problems (I have used them for car insurance since I started driving and 2 years of renters insurance and now homeowners).

Sorry that you had to experience this kind of treatment due to people's mis-education!!

EDIT** Please do not listen to anyone who says "don't tell them". If you do this and they find out they can and will drop your policy. Also, if something were to happen related to the dog they can and usually will refuse the claim. A friend of ours had someone jump their fence and get hurt and because the dog was involved (did not bite or bother the person, it is suspected the person was attempting to steal the dog) they had to file a claim on their insurance and it was denied because the breed of the dog was disclosed in the police report. The guy sued them and they had to pay his medical bills out of pocket. Please be smart and find a company that will cover regardless of the breed, they are out there!

My insurance company charges me a surcharge for my Husky. Just find another insurance company, its not really that big of a deal.

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