วันศุกร์ที่ 10 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How long can you wait to notify a insurance company about a potential claim?

You know how an insurance tell there clients that they have to report a claim(personal injury/premise liablity) or something. Most insurance policies have a requirement that your notify the insurance company of any potential claim within a very short period of time after the incident occurs. I live in NY. How long can you wait to tell them? How much would that short period of time be? Landlord have been recieving letters frommy lawyer and he havent sent them over to his insurance company. This been going on since May 1st of this year. Can the insurance deny him coverage?

If you want any help from insurance, you call them "NOW"

Any insurable claim has to be reported so they can be part of initial investigation

If you leave them out of the loop, they will leave you out of the loop.

What does that mean??

Instead of them helping you, you have to sue them, and that means you have to prove in court, that they have to cover you.

It is better and cheaper to have them as partners instead of adversaries

http://carquotes.50webs.org - try this one. I have their car insurance and, as I know, they can provide such a service. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20070812212406AAOsp2G&kid=IJV_LTLdEzWTWRRWnvI5&s=comm&date=2009-06-17+11%3A55%3A04&.crumb=

It's not set in stone, but the longer you wait, the less likely that you'll get a quick settlement - and possibly, you won't get any at all. You have a duty, according to YOUR POLICY, to notify the company in a reasonable amount of time after you know about a loss. "Reasonable" isn't defined.

Yes, the insurance company can deny him coverage for not promptly reporting. That's not YOUR problem, as the ONLY WAY you can get $$ out of him is by filing a lawsuit. You can't just demand $$ and expect them to write a check without squawking. So you file the lawsuit.

Heck, they have NO DUTY TO RESPOND TO YOU. HIS insurance company DOESNT CARE. They don't have to. If they called him, and he said, "oh, it didn't happen, they're making it up", they are going to just file your attorney letters and not worry about it.

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