วันศุกร์ที่ 10 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Which would you chose; to go in debt to pay for insurance in case something happens so you do not lose your home? Or not pay for insurance and hope to god nothing happens bad enough to make you lose your home anyway by not having insurance?

If you had to pay your insurance and do not currently how would this affect you, and what would you do?

Insurance of all kinds is a gamble. You are trying to protect yourself from a "bad" event. Often when that bad event happens the Insurance Companies do their best not to offset your loss by denying your claim on a technicality. This is true of all Insurance of all kinds. Blue Sheild of California has just lost a court battle for canceling policies on technicalities as soon as a policy holder needed the coverage to cover an illness or injury. They must reinstate thousands of such policies and reimburse those clinents for their out of pocket expenses. But while they battled it out in court how many of those policy holders lost EVERYTHING because they did not have the money to pay those medical bills they thought they were protected form? How many died because their incomes could not cover expensive treatments?

Health insurance is something that is worth going in to debt for.

By not paying insurance you leave yourself exposed to not only greater risks but also greater potential costs.

For further information:


This article details the pro's and con's of insurance with examples to help you decide, at the end fo the day the decision is always in your hands.

It would be much better if you deal with those two. They're important to our daily lives. We cant predict the future. So being insured is a wise thing to do.

Yes, health insurance is the ONE insurance it's worth going in to debt, to pay for.

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