วันพุธที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

There was a fire in my building. According to the newspaper it was started by a grease fire, which spread to the surrounding units. 4 or 5 of the units have been condemned by inspectors me being 1 of the unlucky ones. According to legal aide my owners insurance company is not responsible for any of my loses due to the fire (that would be covered by renters insurance if I had any), However they are responsible for putting me up while my apartment is being renovated. My owner hasnt returned any calls and its been almost 2 weeks. I've been advised to find the name of his insurance co and talk to them myself. Does anyone know how i can find out who is his insurance provider? All help is appreciated & thanks in advance.

Sorry for your loss. This scenario is common...first of all this

is privileged information regarding finding out the name of your landlords carrier. Here is what I would do.

Go down to the city Hall . Look for the title/ deed unit and look up the address of the building. this should show the owner and in some cases the mortgagee of the building (but not always). If the owner had a mortgage on the building then he would have needed to have insurance. call a lawyer and have him write a letter to the owner of the building...that he wants the name and address of the insurance company.

Anyway.......It is a good chance your landlord only has Property Coverage on the building and not liability, If it was his fault (the grease fire) then his liability would kick in.

Guess I need more details to help you out.

You can't - it's private information.

Whoever told you they are responsible for putting you up, is DEAD WRONG. They just aren't. If it's the legal aid, have them put it in writing, then sue the hell out of them for BAD ADVICE.

YOU can't collect under their insurance policy, anyway. And their building policy doesn't have a COVERAGE for "putting the tenants up somewhere". No such horse. That's a FIRST PARTY coverage, not a third party coverage. AND LASTLY, their insurance company won't talk to you - it would violate the privacy laws.

YOUR coverage would come from your renter's policy. You had one, right? That would be Loss of Use - a first party coverage. I'm sure your LEASE requires you to have one . . .they all do. File under your OWN policy.

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