วันศุกร์ที่ 17 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552


Does anyone here have insurance for their dog? How much does it cost or does it depend on different factors (breed, age, etc). If you don't mind tell me what it costs you and what kind of dog you have. Thanks

I don't have it and I don't trust it...human insurance is bad enough with all the small print. My dog insurance is Master Card, it's the only "insurance" I'd recommend. It covers everything, literally! Good luck though if you feel you really must purchase insurance!

The cost definitely depends on the company, what is covered, if you have a deductible, the breed of dog, and age of dog. I think the average is about $30 a month. I currently can't even get insurance for my Boston Terrier because the companies consider her too old (she's 9).

A lot of people think that it is a much better idea just to put money away each month into an interest bearing account and to use that when an emergency like that comes up.

I don't actually use dog insurance because I have 4 dogs and it works out far too expensive. Also whenever you need to use it, it doesn't cover you for what they need it for!! You have to pay an excess anyway so Instead I put £50 per month into a separate account which I can use for vet bills. Some years I haven't had to use it which means I have £600 saved up instead of giving it to the insurance company.

The insurance charges does all depend on the breed and age and gets more expensive as they age

Hi. I have pet insurance for my dog. She is a three year old Parson Jack Russell. I pay £9.50 a month and apart from the obvious health things it would cover, it also covers public liability insurance so that if my dog goes and bites somebody (I dont think she would but you never know) and they want compensation then the pet insurance covers it. There are some pretty good covers out there but you do need to shop around. If you are in the UK try the insurance that supermarkets offer. You can get quotes on line so you dont even have to leave your house to get the information. Some people will tell you that having pet insurance isnt worth it and Im sure you might have some answers telling you this but just remember if you dont have insurance and your dog breaks its leg or its life is hanging in the balance and you cant afford to have it treated then you will have to make the decision whether or not you have to have it put to sleep or not. Do you think you could live with that?

Go to website and search for "PET Insurance", so they should link to page and get quote for your dog. I hope that it will help you. It is depended the plans that you want. If the dog is died, will you include the plan to replace other dog? If so, how much do co-payment for replace dog?. If the dog is get veterinary insurance, how much do co-payment?, etc...

I hope that it will help you.

I don't have health insurance on my dogs, but we do have insurance on them for when they are in the car with us [[if we get in an accident]]. It costs us an extra 50 dollars every 6 months for all 3 of our dogs, which are 2 pit/lab mixes, and a purebred apbt.

My boss had pet insurance for her Boston Terrier mix. They paid 11.00 a month. She was on their wellness plan through the pet hospital. Ask around with your vet. They probably have some good information for you.


what? i dont think so.


i pay 20 a month..

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